CW Automate Agent Installation/Signup Issue workaround

CW Automate Agent Installation/Signup Issue workaround

If you are experiencing issues with the ConnectWise Automate agent not signing up and obtaining a ComputerID from the Automate server, this is due to a known issue with the Automate agent installation process where it fails to write the correct “Server Password” value to the CW Agent registry location.

In response to this gap, we have implemented a workaround to allow you to supply the correct “Server Password” value and ezdeploy will handle writing the value to the registry, so that the agent can sign up properly.

Symptoms of this issue:


  1. C:\EZDeploy\Logging\InstallLogs\Agent_Installer log will indicate at the end:

    Product: ConnectWise Automate Remote Agent -- Configuration completed successfully.

    C:\EZDeploy\Logging\EzdService-YYYYMMDD.txt will have entries for the agent msi install command and attempts to verify installation - and once verified returns entry:

    MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS StackAdvisors.MSPToolshed.EzdService.AutomateApi.AutomateService [INF] CWA Agent installed successfully

  2. C:\Windows\LTSVC\LTErrors.txt on the machine where the agent did not sign up properly:

    LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:46:36 PM - Cleaning up Supporting Files and Logs:::: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:46:36 PM - Initializing Tunnels...::: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:46:41 PM - Tunnel Version: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:46:41 PM - Initializing Sensors...::: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:46:41 PM - Set Registry Settings::: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:46:41 PM - Configuring Firewall Settings :::: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:46:42 PM - Finished Startup::: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:46:44 PM - Network Loop Started::: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:47:07 PM - Attempting SignUp::: LTService v210.27 - 2/23/2021 12:47:07 PM - Failed Signup, Will wait over 30 minutes to try again.:::


  3. Look for “Bad Password” in the “Agent Signups” Dataview in ConnectWise Automate. (Automation > Dataviews > Status > Agent Signups).

  4. Because agent failed to signup successfully you will not be able to see agent when you Browse computers in the Control Center. And any Automate RMM scripts in your Configuration Profile will not run because there is no computerID present to schedule scripts against. But other non-RMM scripts in profile would still run.

Implementing Server Password Workaround:


  1. Collect Server password for agent install which can be collected in several different methods:

    1. If you have access to MySQL for premise Automate - run query

      SELECT systempassword FROM config;


    2. If you have access to Control Center only for CW Cloud you can run the same query via rawsql Internal Monitor.

      1. Automation>Monitors>Internal Monitors tab - right click anywhere on list and choose New Monitor

      2. Use <Start Fresh> and click Next

      3. Configure as this example

      4. Click the Build and View Query button to get your result - then just Close monitor - no need to add/save.

    3. If you have no access to Control Center Internal Monitors - then you would need to at least obtain the agent msi installer from the Destination Automate server

      1. From Web Control Center - click on Configuration>Installers>Custom Agent


      2. Select any client/location - then click Download link next to the Windows MSI choice.

      3. Once the MSI has been downloaded, you will need to run it on a machine that does not currently have a CW Agent installed. When you run the MSI on a machine with no agent, and you click “Next” on the initial screen, you will see a menu that displays your Server URL, Server Password and the LocationID. Copy the “Server Password” value.

  2. Log in to the ezdeploy portal and access Settings>Integration Settings>Automate

  3. Paste the “Server Password” value in to the “Server Password” field under the credentials field and click Save RMM Credentials button.


  4. You should get SUCCESS banner

  5. Once this has been applied, all future deployments will automatically supply the “Server Password” value in the expected registry location for the CW Agent, which will allow it to sign up properly.

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