Only visible to account owner
Subscription Plan is listed and how long you’ve been an ezdeploy user.
Billing Payment information, next billing date and billing address are listed with the ability to Edit Payment Information.
Clicking Edit Payment Information brings up new window for Payment Methods.
You can click Add New to have a backup method of payment and to allow you to set which is Primary.
You can click existing payment method to bring up next window which lists current name/address and the card type/last 4 digits.
Then click on Edit Payment Method to display next window where you can update field(s) as needed, then click Update button to submit.
Invoices are emailed to the account owner monthly once payment is processed - however you can request a different email address be designated for billing contact on the account.
For any billing related questions please send request to rather than replying to invoice email so that a ticket will be automatically generated.
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