OneTouch Deployments

OneTouch Deployments

ezdeploy is able to output a Windows Provisioning Package (file extension .PPKG) which is a small archive that contains Windows Setup instructions that can be processed automatically during the Windows OOBE (out-of-box experience) phase. When the OS boots up for the first time, it will check removable USB storage for a valid PPKG file and process the first one that it finds. You can also double-click a PPKG from a computer that has already been through OOBE, but the primary use case for PPKG is to

The ezdeploy OneTouch PPKG file contains a few instructions for the OS to skip the normal “Hi. Welcome to Windows…” bootup sequence, and instead it will automatically create a local administrator account with your desired password, optionally connect to an SSID, optionally do a Windows Refresh procedure, and then proceed to install the ezdeploy service (a Windows service). ezdeploy service will then install a predetermined RMM Agent and schedule your Configuration Profile.

  • The OneTouch deployment package must be left in the portal in order to use the ppkg after downloading. The ppkg will fail if the corresponding OneTouch Deployment no longer present in the ezdeploy Portal.

  • Changes to the OneTouch Deployment itself does require a re-download of the ppkg for distribution.

  • Changes to the Configuration Profile included in a OneTouch Deployment do not require a re-download of the ppkg for distribution.

OneTouch Deployments page

Menu Bar options:


Select to create a new OneTouch Deployment


Select an existing OneTouchDeployment- then click Edit to make changes.


Select an existing OneTouchDeployment - then click Duplicate to create a copy which will default to “OneTouch Name - Copy” as OneTouch Name.


Select an existing OneTouch Deployment - then click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm deletion.


Select an existing OneTouch Deployment then click Generate. You will be prompted to save the ppkg file once the generation has completed.

Show Column Chooser

Selecting allows you to choose which columns to display. Example 6 of the 10 available columns are displayed.


Filter Row

This allows you to search/filter based on the available column data. Text can be typed in the Name, Description, Modified By and Created By columns. Client, Location, Configuration Profile and WiFi Enabled columns have a Dropdown Selector. Modified On and Created On columns have a Date Selector.


OneTouch Deployments Usage

Once you select New from the menu bar - you will be presented with the following form to populate.

Deployment Information


Deployment Information



Enter name for the OneTouch deployment package


Enter description (optional)

Configuration Profile

Select desired Configuration Profile from dropdown selector

Clean PC

Disabled by default. Click checkbox to toggled to Enabled.
When enabled the OneTouch Deployment will perform a reset of Windows 10/11 with the “remove user data” option.

Note Microsoft indicates CleanPC CSP is supported in Windows 10/11, Enterprise and Education editions only.

Local Admin Username

Enter local admin username to be created. This account will remain after deployment is completed.

Local Admin Password

Enter password to use for local admin

Confirm Password

Confirm password to use for local admin



RMM Information


RMM Information


Agent Install

Enabled by default if Automate integration is present. Click checkbox to toggle to Disabled as needed.


Select Automate client from dropdown when Agent Install Enabled.


Select Automate location from dropdown when Agent Install Enabled.


Deployment Encryption


Deployment Encryption



Enter encryption password for package - you will be prompted to enter when the ppkg is used. Enabled by default.

Confirm Password

Confirm encryption password for packed.


WiFi Configuration


WiFi Configuration


Use Wifi connection during deployment

Disabled by default. Click checkbox to toggled to Enabled.
Note provisioning will always select WiFi even if you have made a wired connection so if the WiFi will not be available don’t add to package.

For example you are provisioning inside your network rather than at client location - you may need two packages for the client - one where they can use WiFi onsite but another without WiFi you can use on local LAN.

Security Type

If Wifi connection enabled - select either WEP or WPA2-Personal from dropdown.


If Wifi connection enabled - enter SSID


If Wifi connection enabled - enter password for SSID

Confirm Password

Confirm password for SSID

  1. Once you have populated the form - click Save OneTouch button.

  2. Now the OneTouch Deployment is listed - select row then click Generate to get the ppkg file.


  3. You will see package being generated and once completed you will be prompted where to save file and what filename to use (defaults to the package Name)




  4. You can edit an existing OneTouch at any time by selecting the row and choosing Edit from menu bar.



  5. Note if you make changes to settings within the OneTouch other than the Configuration Profile - you will need to generate a fresh copy of the ppkg.

    You can make as many changes within the Configuration Profile, the Naming Rules and script items used without generating a new ppkg file. During the deployment the Configuration Profile is fetched to get the current instruction set to process.


Deployment Sequence Windows 11

  1. Boot from USB containing your ppkg. The Windows OOBE (out-of-box experience) will bring you to the region selection screen. You will hit the Windows key 5 times to proceed to next menu.


  2. Select Install provisioning package and click Next


  3. Enter your password for the package then click OK


  4. Windows will display Setting up your PC screen next


  5. Once the initial provisioning steps are completed, local admin account created and the ezdservice service installed and begins the post-provisioning portion of the deployment. Your Build Notice title will display


  6. Once configuration profile items start processing you will see both your Build Notice Title and Notice Message displayed like this screen if you try to login - click OK to continue to login.


  7. As mentioned you can logon but the build notices will not be removed until the completion of the entire deployment.


Deployment Sequence Windows 10

  1. Boot from USB containing your ppkg. The Windows OOBE (out-of-box experience) will bring you to the region selection screen. You will hit the Windows key 5 times to proceed to next menu.

  2. Select Install provisioning package and click continue

  3. Enter your password for the package then click OK

  4. Windows will display Setting up your PC screen next

  5. Once the initial provisioning steps are completed, local admin account created and the ezdservice service installed and begins the post-provisioning portion of the deployment. Your Build Notice title will display on the next screen

  6. Once configuration profile items start processing you will see both your Build Notice Title and Notice Message displayed on this screen - click OK.

  7. As mentioned you can logon but the build notices will not be removed until the completion of the entire deployment.


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