Custom Installers

Custom Installers

This feature allows you to have custom installers as configuration profile items. Installer types of MSI or EXE are available. There are default arguments for the installers you can customize arguments as needed/dictated by the software vendor but keep in mind these must be silent installation - no user interaction.

Custom Installers page

Menu Bar options:


Select to create a new custom installer.


Select an existing custom installer - then click Edit to make changes.


Select an existing custom installer - then click Duplicate to create a copy which will default to “custom installer name - Copy” as Name.


Select an existing custom installer - then click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm deletion.

Show Column Chooser

Selecting allows you to choose which columns to display. Example 6 of the 10 available columns are displayed.

Filter Row

This allows you to search/filter based on the available column data. Example searching for custom installer with Name including Python.

Click the x to remove filter selection.

Custom Installers Usage

When clicking on New to create a custom installer package - it will default to MSI installer type


However you can select EXE from the Installer Type and will be slightly different options in the Arguments section.



  1. Installers must be silent with no end user interaction required. While there are standards for msi installers, with exe installers you may find vendor has specific requirements - like /S instead of lowercase /s or may use /silent or /verysilent. You can check with vendor but generally if you run the exe with the /? switch it will bring up list of available switches supported.

  2. Testing your full command line manually to verify installation works before adding to ezdeploy is recommended.

  3. The URL must automatically download the installer file. The Validate Download URL only verifies that the URL exists. Test your URL from a browser to verify you immediately get prompted to save file. If not and you get a page requiring additional steps like a link to click or login credentials - you will need to get the file in place with URL that does the direct download instead.

  4. Syntax for some common storage vendors

    1. OneDrive

      1. Generate a link anyone can view.

      2. Once you copy that URL add "&download=1" to the end of it to get your direct download URL.

    2. DropBox

      1. Generate a link anyone can view.

      2. Once you copy that URL change dl=0 to dl=1 to get your direct download URL.

    3. GoogleDrive

      1. Share the file as “public”

      2. In the share dialog, select and copy the “File ID”

      3. Append &id=YourIndividualID to the end of the URL
        i.e.: https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=YourIndividualID

Custom Installer Settings



Name of custom installer script


Description of what the custom installer script does

File Name

Filename to download to on target computer

Installer Type (MSI or EXE)

Select either MSI or EXE

Arguments (MSI or EXE)

Default arguments for:
MSI: /i "{MsiFilePath}" /qn /norestart /l*v "{LogFilePath}" (non-editable field by default)

EXE: /s (editable field by default)

Use Custom MSI Arguments (MSI)

Enable to edit the default Arguments field. You will be prompted to confirm by clicking the Use Custom Arguments button.

Use MSI Properties (MSI)

Enable to activate additional field to enter in PROPERTY=PropertyValue format.

Download Settings



Enter URL path to download MSI or EXE. Note this must be a direct download path which not all vendors may support so you may have to store your installers elsewhere like OneDrive, Dropbox or your own custom website. There is a validation step for the URL content-type - you may see warning if unverified - you have option to Accept Risk and continue.


Download Requires Credentials

If enabled will activate Basic Authentication credential fields.

Timeout (Mins)

Defaults to 10 min. Increase if you know the time to download and install will be longer than 10 min and up to 60 min.

Example of custom msi installer where the download risk has been accepted so the validation allows to proceed and submit.



Example of custom exe installer where the download risk has been accepted so the validation allows to proceed and submit.


Once you have created and saved your first custom installer - you will see new Item Type in the Configuration Profile - Profile Items selection list:


And that is how you will access/add your custom installer scripts to the profile.


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